The Sixth Report on Cultural Policy in the Arab Region 2014

The report provides a prospective for the year 2014. The first chapter includes three sections:

The first section is designated to political, legislative, and governmental developments that directly or indirectly affect cultural policy.

The second section is about civil society and public freedom, focusing on the effectiveness of independent institutions and initiatives at the community level, and discussing what freedoms are subject to restrictions or suppression.

The third section is titled "Regional and International Cooperation".

The second chapter monitors the activity national groups for cultural policy under the Cultural Resource program "Cultural Policy in the Arab Region", which is active in most of the countries covered by the report. This chapter reviews the work plans and achievements of some groups, focusing on efforts to push and submit work proposals for an alternative cultural policy. This is followed by summaries about the most prominent points and observations on Cultural Policy in the region and challenges of Arab groups.


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تم دعم تأسيس اتجاهات. ثقافة مستقلة بمنحة من برنامج عبارة - مؤسسة المورد الثقافي