Applicants Statistics from the 7th Edition of Research: to Strengthen the Culture of Knowledge
Oct 2019
The call for applications to the 7th edition of the programme Research: To Strengthen the Culture of Knowledge has been closed on the 12th of September 2019 at midnight. Below are some statistics related to the applicants and received applications.
Individual applications 86.04 %
Group applications 13.96 %
Applications’ Themes and Subjects
Artistic and creative trends orientations 32.55 %
Documentation of heritage and memory 32.55 %
Active cultural structures and causes of cultural marginalization 16.27 %
Creative industries 4.65 %
Other themes (non-eligible) 13.96 %
Applicants’ Gender
Male 60 %
Female 40 %
Applicants’ Country of Residence
Syria 54 %
Lebanon 24 %
Europe 18 %
Turkey 2 %
Egypt 2 %
Applicants’ Age Range
22 to 25 years 28 %
26 to 30 years 40 %
31 to 35 years 24 %
35 to 40 years 8 %