SANAD Continues to Receive Applications Throughout the Year

May 2021

SANAD has received 48 applications since the beginning of 2021 from Lebanon and Egypt. Twenty-five artists, whose applications were divided into two categories, were among the beneficiaries.  Financial support for legal status settlements was provided to 15 applicants in the Arab region. These ranged from renewing passports to renewing residence permits, while legal advice was provided to 10 applicants in Lebanon regarding violation settlements, deportation settlements, accompaniment and follow-up on legal cases, and consultancy on legal transactions.

The applicants’ fields of work included: theater (21.4% of the total applications), visual arts (21.1%), music (26.3%), cinema (15.8%), and other artistic fields.

The SANAD Programme provides knowledge to artists and cultural practitioners, helps them to understand current laws, legislations, and frameworks governing their work, and facilitates their access to the work and production opportunities available to them. SANAD helps artists and cultural practitioners resolve problems, issues, and situations they may face, enhance their stability in terms of artistic practice, study the basic rights legislating the work of artists and cultural actors, lobby for the development of policies and procedures that contribute to improving their working conditions, and empowers them within the artistic and cultural sector.

For applications or inquiries, please contact us at

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تم دعم تأسيس اتجاهات. ثقافة مستقلة بمنحة من برنامج عبارة - مؤسسة المورد الثقافي